Base-Line Healing logo. Stick figure with arms outstretched above shoulder height, legs apart. Rainbow of colours up midline. Red at pelvic floor Base then a line of orange, yellow, green blue extending to the head. Showing the body aligned and balanced, the natural way to treat fibromyalgia. Use your body better slogan.

The 5 Main Muscles of Movement

Anatomy Page List.

Each of the 5 main muscles has a "keeping it simple" section (hopefully a good starting point for anyone without previous knowledge) and an "in detail" page with comprehensive anatomical descriptions.

skeleton and the five main muscles of movement crucial to physical health. side-front view. The rectus abdominis muscles a strong pillar up the front of the abdomen pelvis to chest, two parallel stacks of muscle panels extending from the pubic symphysis of the pelvis. The basket-like pelvic floor muscles at the base of the torso. The rectus femoris are like strong pole down the front of each thigh. The gluteus maximus big ass muscles linking the legs to base-line support.  The trapezius muscles the superficial muscle layer from mid back to the back of the head, shoulder to shoulder. Diamond-shaped sheet of muscle, curving down the neck and back. Feel for the muscles on your body, imagine them activating and make a connection.

Overview Pages:

Base-Line muscles

The 5 Main Muscles of Movement

human figure seen from the front, looking up the body with the baseline muscles shown.  The pelvic floor muscles like a basket at the base of the body that should be solid and secure.  The rectus abdominis muscles extending from pelvis to the ribcage. The body's core pillar of strength either side of the linea alba. The rectus abdominis muscles should bend and flex in all directions, supporting the rest of the body through a full range of movement.


1. pelvic floor keeping it simple

1. pelvic floor in detail

2. rectus abdominis keeping it simple

2. rectus abdominis in detail

skeleton showing rectus femoris and gluteus maximus muscles connecting the legs to Base-Line support

Base-Line To Legs:

3. gluteus maximus keeping it simple

3. gluteus maximus in detail

4. rectus femoris keeping it simple

4. rectus femoris in detail

skeleton and the 5 main muscles of movement side-back view showing the trapezius muscles extending from shoulder to shoulder, base of the skull to mid-back, a curved diamond-shaped blanket of muscle over the upper body.  The gluteus maximus muscles, solid and secure in the buttocks, linking to the rectus femoris at the front of each thigh. The main muscle of movement are the body's central support needed for pain free movement when these muscles feel balanced either side of the median plane and the body is free of physical restrictions.

Base-Line To Upper Body:

5. trapezius keeping it simple

5. trapezius in detail

Use all the pages. Look at all the illustrations.

Find these 5 (paired) muscles on your body with your hands. Think of the full extent of each of the muscles, of how they provide the central framework for your body.

Try to activate each muscle, picturing them in your mind. Building this connection between body and brain is an an on-going process - something that you need to work at.

By starting from Base-Line you can begin to feel your alignment and improve your posture.

Anatomy Related Pages:

anatomy of the pelvis pictures

connective tissue and collagen

Please contact me if you have any comments or suggestions on how to make the anatomy pages as easy to understand as possible (or if there's anything else you'd like to comment on).

Other Page Lists:

Posture, Alignment & Balance Page List

Body-Mind Connection Page List

the anatomy of alignment. human figure from the front with 5 markers on the line that splits the body into equal left and right halves. The 5 markers are part of our midline anatomy that should align on the median plane. From bottom to top: 1. The pubic symphysis between the top of the legs. 2. The navel/belly button. 3 and 4. The bottom and top of the sternum midline where the ribs meet at the front.  5. The back of the head, midline bump.

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