Base-Line Healing logo. Stick figure with arms outstretched above shoulder height, legs apart. Rainbow of colours up midline. Red at pelvic floor Base then a line of orange, yellow, green blue extending to the head. Showing the body aligned and balanced, the natural way to treat fibromyalgia. Use your body better slogan.


There are many muscles and connective tissue structures (ligaments, tendons, fascia etc.) in the pelvic region.

Don't worry about the details (names of structures etc). Just look at the pictures and appreciate how complex your anatomy is.

Currently most of the pictures are of the female pelvis, I will add the male pelvis when I have time.

The bones, muscles and connective tissues of the female pelvis. View from behind. Left and right sides are a mirror image. The pelvic floor muscles at the center, a layer of several smaller muscles like a basket at the base of the body. Furthest from center are the wings of the ilium, the biggest bone of the pelvis.  Between the muscles and bone there is a lot of connective tissue structures. When seen from behind a thick band from the top to the bottom of the pelvis. Connective tissue extends and merges with the sacrum, multiple thick-finger like projections extending from the thick band.
the bones, muscles and connective tissues of the female pelvis. front-views level, tilted forwards and backwards showing the connective tissue structures at the front and back of the pelvis. The back of the pelvis has larger sections, irregularly shaped blocks, of connective tissues from the pelvic bones to sacrum.  Connective tissue at the front are more like thick strings that interconnect. The pelvic floor muscles central, filling the hole of the pelvic canal.
the bones, muscles and connective tissues of the female pelvis. View from above and underneath. Several muscles in the middle, spanning the pelvic canal. Left and right sides are a mirror image with a hole on the body's midline where the anus and rectal sphincter are located. When seen from underneath there are several bands of connective tissue around the edge of the pelvic canal that merge with pelvic bones. From above the pelvic floor muscles can been seen as the bottom of the basket with connective tissue extending upwards to connect with the pelvis, coccyx and sacrum.
the pelvic floor muscles and the connective tissues of the pelvis with the bones removed. Seen from behind. There is a midline vertical strip of connective tissue. Connective tissues form crescent shapes on the left and right. the tips pointing out so the structures are wider at the top and bottom. The middle of the crescent curve towards midline and are joined to the midline connective tissues by horizontal bands just above the pelvic floor muscles. The connective tissue projections that merge with the sacrum are located above these bands.
connective tissues i.e. ligaments and fascia of the pelvis from multiple views. female. A complex web of bands and sheets of connective tissue.  Irregular shapes, curves and interconnected. The pubic symphysis can be seen as a ring of connective tissue midline at the front with the linea alba extending upwards.
pelvic floor and perineal muscles male and female viewed from the front. The pelvic floor can be appreciated as not a flat structure, rather muscles that curve upwards towards the rear.
pelvic floor and perineal muscles male and female viewed from the behind
pelvic floor and perineal muscles male and female viewed from above. The male pelvic floor is a triangular shape, the base of the triangle at the back, the point of the triangle midline at the front at the pubic symphysis. The female pelvic floor is a rounder shape.  The muscles that make up the pelvic floor and perineum surround the holes where the anus and urethra are located.
pelvic floor and perineal muscles male and female viewed from underneath. Female with the rounder shaped pelvic floor muscles and the perineal muscles more superficially located at the front. Like thin triangular wings extending from midline wider than the pelvic floor and coming towards point at the front.  The male pelvic floor triangular with the perineal muscles much narrower and forming a tube associated with the penis.
the bones of the pelvis male and female demonstrating the shape of the pelvic canal when seen from above. The female pelvis is wider with the wings of the ilium larger and the pelvic canal large and oval.  The male pelvis is narrower and the pelvic canal smaller.

More information about the pelvic floor muscles:    

pelvic floor keeping it simplepelvic floor in detail

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