Increased awareness of your sense of position, motion and balance.
Being able feel your posture, and sense where you natural range of movement should take you.
The connection between body and mind.
Whatever helps you relax and lose a little of the outside world.
Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and think of your Base-Line muscles at the core of all movement, the central pillar from where the rest of the body extends.
As you breathe with your Base-Line, use your midline anatomy to increase awareness of your state of alignment. Touch your 5 midline markers and feel for their relative positioning to focus your attention on your midline.
Dawn is recommended as a good time for many traditional exercises, but whenever works for you.
Being outdoors. Breathing clean air. Walking on uneven ground. All good things in my opinion.
Closing my eyes and feeling the sun's rays on my face. The light through my eyelids helping me to see 'the sparkles', increasing my awareness of the sensory feedback my body provides, linking body and mind.
Find the 5 (paired) main muscles of movement on your body. Think about their full extent and where they attach to bone.
Move around to find positions in which you feel some activation in your main muscles (whether it be standing, lying down, sitting etc.). Feel for a balance between left and right sides of each of your main muscles of movement, centered around your Base-Line. What positions (postures) do you find yourself in?
If you are imbalanced, and your body is restricted and misaligned, these positions (postures) will not be balanced i.e. will not be the same on either side.
For movement, be inspired by Pilates, yoga, Tai Chi, ballet, other dance forms, internal martial arts etc. They all demonstrate what the body is capable of when working at optimum.
Being in water is good for gentle exercising, and using floats will help with feeling your state of balance.
Do what you can. Whatever you find easiest - and something that you enjoy. Don't strain to do things you are not ready to do. The aim is to work towards regaining a full range of natural movement - which takes time if your body is imbalanced and restricted.
full range of natural movement
Increased awareness of your dynamic posture will help build the connection between body and mind.
I love the roll-down action, and then letting myself move however feels natural, supported by my Base-Line.
You don't need to know what all the muscles of the human body are called, but it's good to appreciate how complex our muscular system is, and to see how central the 5 main muscles of movement are to the body, with our Base-Line muscles at the core.
When you feel a pain ⇨ Examine the feedback your brain is getting.
Notice. Focus. Feel. Connect.
Develop the connection between body and mind, and learn to use your body better.