Base-Line Healing logo. Stick figure with arms outstretched above shoulder height, legs apart. Rainbow of colours up midline. Red at pelvic floor Base then a line of orange, yellow, green blue extending to the head. Showing the body aligned and balanced, the natural way to treat fibromyalgia. Use your body better slogan.

Healing Technique:

2. Connect Your Base-Line To Your Legs.

Two muscles (paired - left and right sides) connect the legs to the body's Base-Line.

the gluteus maximus and rectus femoris muscles on a skeleton. Working together to support each leg and align the legs to torso. The gluteus maximus are large muscles covering the back of the pelvis, forming the superficial layer of the buttocks. Convex on the outer side, concave on the inner side, approximating as a square shaped bowl of muscle, tilted across the buttocks. The rectus femoris long, straight muscles at the front of the thigh crossing the hip and knee joints. Also shown are the rectus abdominis muscles up the front of the abdomen from pelvic symphysis to the rib cage.
  • The gluteus maximus muscles connect the femur (thigh bone) to the torso, stabilising the back of the pelvis and top of the legs.
  • The rectus femoris muscles align the hip and knee joints.

These muscles should work in tandem, allowing each leg to be moved through a full range of natural movement, in a smooth and controlled fashion, without effort or strain.

full range of natural movement

Anatomy, keeping it simple...

Your Gluteus Maximus Muscles.

glu-tEE-us  max-E-mus

2 images of the gluteus maximus muscles, showing male and female seen from behind. The sacrum lies between the left and right gluteus maximus muscles, a triangle of bone in the middle, with the point downward on midline. The left and right gluteus maximus are closest together at the bottom of the sacrum. Each muscle being a corner, approximately 90 degrees. The muscles diverge as they go up the sides of the sacrum to the top ridge of bone of the pelvis, this edge is straight.  From the base of the sacrum the muscles head downward to the top of the thigh bone (femur), also with a straight edge that then forms a distal projection of muscle onto the femur. The gluteus maximus are approximately rhomboid shaped, the outer edges of the muscles differ between male and female. The female a much rounder shape, fuller at the top.

The gluteus maximus are the largest skeletal muscles of the body.

They form the superficial muscle layer of the buttocks, covering a lot of complicated anatomy that is prone to pain and injury.

gluteus maximus in detail

Hands on buttocks.

Feel these muscles contract and tighten.

Human figure seen from behind. The gluteus maximus muscles are marked. The gluteus maximus muscles your big ass muscles, hands on buttocks feel for them tightening, buns of steel.

The gluteus maximus muscles attach to many structures in the posterior pelvic region, and to the top third of the back of the femur. It is important the gluteus maximus muscles are balanced and working correctly to prevent excess stress on the underlying muscles, surrounding connective tissues of the pelvis.

pelvis pictures

gluteus maximus muscles with the basic bony attachments, male and female pelvis.

Anatomy, keeping it simple...

Your Rectus Femoris Muscles.

rek-tus  fem-OR-is

the rectus femoris and rectus abdominis muscles seen on a skeleton within the outline of a human figure.  From pelvis to shin, the rectus femoris muscles are like a solid pole down the front of the thigh, crossing the hip and knee joints thus aligning the legs to the torso. The rectus femoris turns into connective tissue (ligament/tendon) as it approaches the knee. The kneecap is a sesamoid bone within the connective tissue of the rectus femoris.  Pulling your kneecaps up is a good way to activate your rectus femoris.

The rectus femoris muscles cross the hip and knee joints, correctly positioning the legs to the torso - when fully activated.

The patellae (kneecaps) are contained within the connective tissues of the rectus femoris.

rectus femoris in detail

shadow figures showing the line of the rectus femoris from shin to hip.

How to locate your rectus femoris muscles:

Below the knee, feel for the bump at the front of your tibia (shin bone).

Run your hands up over your kneecaps, up the front of your thighs, to the sticking-out bone at the front of your pelvis - your hip bone.

This is the full extent of your rectus femoris muscles.

Think of pulling your kneecaps up ...

and the muscles extending downward from your hip bones.

The whole of each muscle (left and right) should be active, like strong poles down the front of each thigh, correctly aligning the hip and knee joints.

Technique Tips - Legs to Base-Line.

The gluteus maximus and rectus femoris muscles connecting the base-line muscles to the legs.

Feel for a balanced activation between your gluteus maximus muscles:

  • Can you feel the same amount of muscle contraction between left and right sides?
  • Try to contract them together.
  • Try alternating between left and right - fast and slow.
  • See how it feels.

To activate your rectus femoris muscles:

  • Try pulling your kneecaps up.
  • Imagine a straight line from shin to hip bone.
  • Use your hands to help focus on the right muscles.
  • Hips forward.

Work From Your Positions Of Strength.

Remember to use your Base-Line as the central reference. The position of your legs is relative to your midline.

So don't worry about where your feet are to start.

Move around to find the positions where you can more easily activate your gluteus maximus and rectus femoris. Depending on the condition of your body, you may find this puts you in some asymmetric positions... one leg in front, a foot turned, a leg sticking out ... This means you are starting to feel physical imbalance and misalignment, the twists and kinks, compressions and rotations, stored on your body according to your individual trauma imprint.

individual trauma imprints

If you are not used to using these muscles it will take time and practice to build the connection between mind and body.

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